Ultimate Compact Home Gym
A Wide Range of Accessories Provide All Training Options Based on Your Preferences.

Four Compact Training Modes + Dual Motor System

Enhanced Data Insights
Access workout metrics in real-time with Speediance app. Enhance training and instruction with Gym Pal's detailed metrics to ensure quality and precision in every movement, every set, and every workout.
Easy Storage & Immerse In Fitness
Solid Design to have easy storage while having auditory and visual delights to fuel your motivation and drive.
Versatile Accessories
Various Training Accessories help you to achieve your goal in compact training

With Handles, You Can Do:
- Side Seated Biceps Curl
- Standing Dual-Handle Cable Biceps Curls
- Seated Lateral Raise
- Arm Romanian Deadlift
- Cable Bent-Over Reverse Fly
- Cable Front Shoulder Raise
- Standing Dual Cable External Rotation
- Dual-Handle Cable Lunge

With Adjustable Bench, You Can Do:
- Barbell Lunge
- Standing Reverse Barbell Curl
- Barbell Romanian Deadlift
- Narrow Grip Barbell Bench Press
- Incline Barbell Bench Press
- Barbell Good-morning
- Seated Barbell Shoulder Press
- Barbell Stiff-legged Deadlift
- Upright Barbell Rows
- Barbell Standing Front Raise
- Barbell Bench Press

With Tricep Rope, You Can Do:
- Y-Front Raise
- Rope Pull Through
- Low Cable Bent Over Row
- Rope Cable Hammer Curl
- Standing Overhead Cable Triceps Extension

With Adjustable Bench, You Can Do:
- Incline Cable Fly
- Seated Incline Arms Curl
- Seated Alternating Bicep Curl
- Incline Barbell Bench Press
- Barbell Supine Straight Arm Pullover
- Dual Handle Bench Cable Fly
- Barbell Lying Triceps Extension

With Bluetooth Ring, You Can easily adjust weight during your training.

With Ankle Straps, You Can Do:
- Cable Hip Abduction
- Standing Cable Kickback
- Bench Supine Bicycle
- Standing Leg Curl
- Kneeling Board Straight Leg Kick
- Kneeling Bench Knee Flexion and Kick
- Bench Kneeling External Rotation
- Standing Single Leg Raise
Bring Gym Pal Home Today!