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How to Get Bigger Forearms at Home? Exercise Workouts

How to Get Bigger Forearms at Home? Exercise Workouts

Not everyone has the time to spend two or three days a week at the gym, but many people desire well-defined forearm muscles. We’ve asked a professional trainer for guidance on how to use everyday items like bottles at home to work out and develop well-defined shoulders, triceps, and biceps.

bottles at home to work out

Training Goal: Achieve defined and full shoulders that enhance your overall look.

Exercise 1: Seated Lateral Raises for Forearms

Equipment: Two appropriately weighted bottles with handles


Seated Lateral Raises for Forearms
  1. Sit back fully against the chair, keeping your back straight. Hold a bottle in each hand and lift your arms to the sides until they reach shoulder height, making sure not to go above shoulder level.
Seated Lateral Raises for Forearms
  1. Raise your arms for about two seconds, then slowly lower them back to your sides.

Notes: Ensure your muscles are tense and your body remains upright without holding your breath.

Repetitions: Perform at least 15 repetitions or more until your arms feel sore. After a few sessions, gradually increase the weight by using larger bottles.

Exercise 2: Seated Rear Delt Lateral Raises for Forearm Strength

Equipment: Two appropriately weighted bottles with handles



Seated Rear Delt Lateral Raises for Forearm Strength
  1. Sit back fully against the chair with your back straight, and lean your body forward. Ideally, lean until your torso is parallel to the floor, but lean as much as possible while maintaining a neutral body position.


Seated Rear Delt Lateral Raises for Forearm Strength
  1. Let your arms hang naturally and maintain muscle tension. Slowly lift your shoulders to a position slightly parallel to the floor, then return to the starting position.

Notes: Ensure your muscles are tense and your body remains upright without holding your breath.

Repetitions: Perform at least 15 repetitions or more until your arms feel sore. After a few sessions, gradually increase the weight by using larger bottles.

Training Goal: To strengthen and define the triceps, which are prominently displayed when wearing clothes.

Exercise 1: Seated Tricep Extensions Using Bottles

Equipment: Chair / Two appropriately weighted bottles



Seated Tricep Extensions Using Bottles
  1. Sit back fully against the chair with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a bottle with both hands and extend it upwards and backwards.


Seated Tricep Extensions Using Bottles
  1. Position the bottle behind your head near your neck, with your upper arms forming about a 90-degree angle. Extend your arms straight up, then slowly lower back to the starting position.

Notes: Ensure your muscles are tense and your body remains upright without holding your breath.

Repetitions: Perform at least 15 repetitions or more until your arms feel sore. After a few sessions, gradually increase the weight by using larger bottles.

Exercise 2: Chair Dips for Tricep Development

Equipment: Chair



Chair Dips for Tricep Development
  1. Position your body with your back to the chair, placing your hands on the edge with your palms facing backwards. You can either bend or straighten your legs. Maintain a neutral body line and lower yourself by bending your elbows until your forearms and upper arms form a 90-degree angle or as close to it as possible. If you feel shoulder discomfort, don't lower too much.


Chair Dips for Tricep Development
  1. Lower yourself for about two seconds, then return to the starting position. Keep your elbows close to your body and avoid lowering too quickly.

Notes: Ensure your muscles are tense and your body remains upright without holding your breath.

Repetitions: Perform at least 15 repetitions or more. Once your body adapts, you can increase the number of repetitions or straighten your legs to increase the intensity.

Training Goal: To strengthen and define the biceps, which are prominently displayed when wearing clothes.

Exercise 1: Classic Seated Bicep Curls Using Bottles

Equipment: Appropriately weighted bottles / A stable chair (preferably without wheels)



Classic Seated Bicep Curls Using Bottles
  1. Sit back fully against the chair with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a bottle in each hand with your palms facing up.


Classic Seated Bicep Curls Using Bottles
  1. Keep your shoulders fixed and curl your arms upward, lifting them for about two seconds, then slowly lower them back to the starting position.

Notes: Ensure your muscles are tense and your body remains upright without holding your breath. Start with your forearms vertical to the floor and aim to curl them to 90 degrees or a larger angle.

Repetitions: Perform at least 15 repetitions or more until your arms feel sore. After a few sessions, gradually increase the weight by using larger bottles.

Exercise 2: Seated Hammer Curls for Forearm Muscle Definition

Equipment: Appropriately weighted bottles / A stable chair (preferably without wheels)



Seated Hammer Curls for Forearm Muscle Definition
  1. Sit back fully against the chair with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a bottle in each hand with your palms facing each other.


Seated Hammer Curls for Forearm Muscle Definition
  1. Curl your arms upward, lifting them for about two seconds, then slowly lower them back to the starting position.

Notes: Ensure your muscles are tense and your body remains upright without holding your breath. Start with your forearms vertical to the floor and aim to curl them to 90 degrees or a larger angle.

Repetitions: Perform at least 15 repetitions or more until your arms feel sore. After a few sessions, gradually increase the weight by using larger bottles.

Speediance Home GymΒ Machine

Speediance Home Gym Machine

You can use traditional weights and calisthenics for forearm exercises at home, but with the Speediance smart home gym machine, you can focus directly on your forearms with ease. This innovative solution is perfect for home workoutsβ€”requiring minimal space and eliminating the clutter of dumbbells, barbells, plates, and kettlebells.

With Speediance, you can perform concentrated forearm exercises at home using varying levels of digital resistance. As you progress and build strength, you can increase the intensity to continue growing your forearms.

To discover more about the Speediance home gym machine and how it can enhance your forearm workouts at home or on the go, click here.

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