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I LOVE the Speediance. It really built out our home gym. I’m an early riser / working mom and love the flexibility of working out at home before the kids get up.

My 13-year-old son loves to exercise at Speediance Gym Monster! Excellent device!

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that at age 65 I would actually get a gold medal. Thanks, Speediance!

I just received my Speediance Gym Monster 2.0!! And I couldn’t be happier.

The speediance community is awesome. The motivation and inspiration of the group are second to none.
Wanted to show you all this. Think I might be ready to get off my last blood pressure medication.
Let’s do this!

Look at my dad, he is 73! He struggles with his hips and lower back pain so the bench is so comfortable .

I did it! Competed in my first bodybuilding show. Took home 2nd place all from the comfort of my home! Thanks, Speediance!

Most of my Speediance add-on ideas came from other members’ creative minds!I
love these new benefits and conveniences in addition to the already great machine!
Media Coverage
The Best Home Gym Machine You’ll Actually Use in 2023
With these high-tech machines, such as the Speediance all-in-one home gym machine...
Best Home Gym Rowing Machine Speediance Home...
Large exercise equipment can be a major investment, but Speediance's complete, all-in-one smart home...
This fitness system is just one of the several offered by Speediance and is billed as a “the mighty home gym.”...
Why Smart Home Gyms Are The Future Of Fitness...
The Speediance SmartHome Gym aligns perfectly with these trends, offering comprehensive features...
Giving Back to Those Who Give Their All
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How I Beat Liver Disease & Lost 130lbs: A Dad’s Miracle
In mid-2023, I was unhealthy. I was way overweight and constantly going to the doctor for this issue, that issue. This...
Speediance AI-Powered Fitness for a Healthier Life
Let's get real - when was the last time you prioritized yourself? Perhaps you're a new mom hiding postpartum body changes...
Introducing Wellness+: Embrace AI in Your Fitness Journey
A letter to all Speediance users Dear Speediance Users, It’s been over a year since we first mentioned Speediance’s subscription...