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10-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workouts: Quick and Effective Routines

10-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workouts: Quick and Effective Routines

In this millennium era, everyone is hustling in one way or another. But in the race โ€Œof life, some become so absorbed in their work that they often forget about the importance of good health.

After a few years, their health starts to give up and they end up spending double on medical bills โ€Œthan they earn. To enjoy wealth, it's important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prioritize health.

If youโ€™re busy, you can relate to how hard it is to balance health and wealth, but itโ€™s still doable. Here are 10-minute full-body HIIT workouts for busy individuals.

Why HIIT Works for Busy Schedules

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. Itโ€™s a workout method where you do bursts of intense training and take a short rest or do lower-intensity activity. For example, imagine you're playing a game where you run fast for a short time, then walk or rest, and then run again.

So, what makes HIIT so effective?

Time Efficiency

HIIT workouts can be done in as little as 10 minutes. Even the busiest person on earth can find 10 minutes in their day to dedicate to fitness. ย With high-intensity training, anybody can achieve their fitness goals without compromising time commitments. Just 10 minutes is all you need!

If you get a 30-minute lunch break, you can utilize the 10 minutes to do HIIT workouts and 20 minutes for having lunch, etc.

Increased Calorie Burn

Again, for those looking to lose weight in minimal time, 10 minutes of HIIT workouts a day is all you need. These exercises not only burn calories while doing the workout but also long after your workout has ended (After burn effect or EPOC).

This means that even after you've finished your workout, your body continues to burn calories at an elevated rate as it works to replenish oxygen stores, repair muscle tissue, and restore physiological balance.

Boosts Energy and Productivity

HIIT workouts help improve your cardiovascular health, stimulate the production of endorphins, improve your sleep, increase your muscle strength, enhance mental clarity, and reduce stress and anxiety. All of these directly contribute to your increased energy level and productivity.

Improves Overall Health

Whether it be a 10-minute HIIT workout or a 1-hour weight training in the gym, both exercises will improve your overall health. If youโ€™re a busy person who spends most of the time at your office desk, itโ€™s worth doing the 10-minute exercise. After all, something is better than nothing!

10-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workout Routines

Here are the 10-minute HIIT workout sessions to target all the major muscle groups. The movements are demonstrated and guided by Speediance professional fitness coach Cintia.And the best part is you can do these exercises in your comfort zone. These exercises are for busy professionals, parents with minimal spare time, or someone seeking a quick and efficient workout.

HIIT Workoutย 1 - Single-Arm Circle

HIIT Workout 1 - Single-Arm Circle

From a standing position, holding ches up and shoulders back.Start to swing one arm in big forward circles,do for 4-5 times then swing arm in backward circles.Repeat same on other arm.

  • Key Steps:

1.From a standing position, holding ches up and shoulders back.

2.Start to swing one arm in big forward circles.,do for 4-5 times then swing arm in backward circles.

3.Repeat same on other arm.

  • Breath:

Breathe regularly.

  • Body Feeling:

This movement can improve the mobility of our shoulder joint.

  • Common Mistakes:

Don't sway your body back and forth.

HIIT Workoutย 2 - Downward Dog Push-up - 3 Set

HIIT Workout 2 - Downward Dog Push-up - 3 Set

1.Set up in a plank position,Toes to floor and hands under shoulders and slightly wider.Arms to be approx 45 degree to the torso.

2.Dont drop head to the floor, instead aim to touch chest to the floor.Lift back to plank, then drive hips upwards.Keep torso and legs straight.

  • Key Steps:

1.Set up in a plank position,Toes to floor and hands under shoulders and slightly wider.

2.Keeping core engaged and chest open, start to lower to floor.

3.Arms to be approx 45 degree to the torso.

4.Dont drop head to the floor, instead aim to touch chest to the floor.

5.Lift back to plank, then drive hips upwards.

6.Keep torso and legs straight.

  • Breath:

Keep your breath steady.

  • Body Feeling:

Initiate the push-up movement by engaging your pecs.

  • Common Mistakes:

Keep your core tight to stabilize yourself.

HIIT Workout 3 - Punch with Speed - 3-Set

HIIT Workout 3 - Punch with Speed - 3-Set

1.Standing with core tight and knees soft, both fists placed in front of your chin.

2.We will start by puching left arm out straight, slightly pushing left hip forward.

3.Using core to slightly rotate hips, we will then quickly pull the punch back to hold position.

4.Do the same on the right punch. accelerating punches focusing on core control.

  • Key Steps:

1.Standing with core tight and knees soft, both fists placed in front of your chin.

2.We will start by puching left arm out straight, slightly pushing left hip forward.

3.Using core to slightly rotate hips, we will then quickly pull the punch back to hold position.

4.Do the same on the right punch. accelerating punches focusing on core control.

  • Breath:

Keep breathing.

  • Body Feeling:

Concentrate on your punching speed and your core.

  • Common Mistakes:

Throw your jab with muscle power.

HIIT Workout 4 - Low to High Woodchopsย - 3-Set

HIIT Workout 4 - Low to High Woodchops - 3-Set

1.From a standing position, bring both hands together to create a big fist.

2.Keeping hips facing forwards, slowly lower and rotate upper body and arms to reach down to one side.

3.Then explosively, rotate upperbody and fists, while also standing up.Finish with hands on opposite side of body and fists high.

  • Key Steps:

1.From a standing position, bring both hands together to create a big fist.

2.Keeping hips facing forwards, slowly lower and rotate upper body and arms to reach down to one side.

3.Then explosively, rotate upperbody and fists, while also standing up.

4.Finish with hands on opposite side of body and fists high.

5.Repeat 5-10 times each side.

  • Breath:

Keep breathing.

  • Body Feeling:

Brace your core.

  • Common Mistakes:

By recruiting explosive force, slice your arms diagonally across your body.

HIIT Workout 5 - Seated Heart Opener

HIIT Workout 5 - Seated Heart Opener

1.In a seated position and legs crossed๏ผŒplace your hands behind you with palms on floor and fingers pointed outwards.

2.Keeping arms straight, roll shoulders back and lift chest.

  • Key Steps:

1.In a seated position and legs crossed๏ผŒplace your hands behind you with palms on floor and fingers pointed outwards.

2.Keeping arms straight, roll shoulders back and lift chest.

3.Don't allow core to fail or tummy to push outwards.

4.Hold this position and concentrate on big breaths to help muscles relax.

  • Breath:

Keep your breath steady.

  • Body Feeling:

Feel the strech come across your chest.

  • Common Mistakes:

Extend your arms , drop your shoulders, and open your chest.

HIIT Workout 6 - Seated Spine Dynamic Scroll

HIIT Workout 6 - Seated Spine Dynamic Scroll

1.Sitting on the floor legs crossed. Place hands on knees.

2.Now start by drawing circles with your body.

3.Lower body to right knee, keeping body low, shift body to left knee.

  • Key Steps:

1.Sitting on the floor legs crossed. Place hands on knees.

2.Now start by drawing circles with your body.

3.Lower body to right knee, keeping body low, shift body to left knee.

4.return to uprighted seated position.

5.Repeat in oposite direction.

  • Breath:

Breathe naturally.

  • Body Feeling:

It aims to improve your spine flexibility.

  • Common Mistakes:

Sit your glutes firmly on the ground to maintain the balance.

Additional Tips for Busy Individuals

When you're squeezing in a workout from your busy schedule, it's normal to feel overwhelmed. Here are a few tips โ€Œto keep in mind to maximize the results.

  • Prioritize Your Workouts - First things first, you should prioritize your workout session as an important appointment of the day. Just like you wouldnโ€™t skip an important meeting with a client, allocate a non-negotiable slot for the exercise.
  • Have a Clear Plan- Plan ahead which exercise youโ€™ll be performing for the day and at what intensity. This will help you avoid wasting time figuring it out mid-workout, keeping your session smooth and swift.
  • Utilize Your Spare Time- Instead of spending your time chatting or scrolling through social media, do simple workouts such as a stretch, jump, or anything that will add to your overall fitness. For example, if you get a 40-minute break, use the 10-minute break to do the HIIT workout mentioned above.
  • Intensify Your Workout- For any short workout session, intensifying the workout is the best way to get results fast. Follow this formula - Intensify the workout and minimize the rest periods.
  • Intensify Your Workout with Equipment- You donโ€™t need fancy gym equipment to do a 10-minute full-body HIIT workout. But if you want to level up your workout at home, adding equipment like Gym Monsterย and Gym Palย can give you maximum results in less time.

10 Minutes a Day is All You Need to Stay Healthy

Most people donโ€™t exercise because they think it requires spending long hours at the gym. In contrast, 10 minutes a day is all you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If youโ€™re looking for a short interval full-body workout, the HIIT workouts might be the solution youโ€™re looking for. The beauty of HIIT lies in its efficiency โ€“ you can achieve remarkable results in a fraction of the time compared to traditional steady-state cardio workouts.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop making excuses and get your body moving.

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