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Quick Arm Slimming Exercises and Tips from a Certified Fitness Trainer

Quick Arm Slimming Exercises and Tips from a Certified Fitness Trainer

Can you slim your arms quickly in a week?

If you want to lose arm fat quickly, in addition to controlling your diet, it is also important to exercise to burn fat!

In this article, Speediance professional fitness trainer Levi will demonstrate some effective slimming arm exercises for you, and provide tips and precautions for slimming arm exercises to help you achieve your ideal arm shape.

Understand the cause of thick arms - the structure of the arms

To reduce arm fat, it is very important to understand the structure of the arms.

The arms are mainly composed of three parts: the humerus, ulna, and radius.

The muscles on these bones can be divided into three groups: biceps, triceps, and forearm muscles.

To effectively reduce arm fat and strengthen arm muscles, we need to focus on exercising these parts.


Principles and suggestions for slimming arm exercises

  • Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is the key to losing fat and burning calories. Choose your favorite aerobic exercise, such as running, brisk walking, swimming, or skipping rope, and do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week. These exercises help reduce body fat, including arm fat.

  • Strength training for slimming arms

Strength training is an effective way to shape arm muscles. Use dumbbells, resistance bands or Gym Monster training equipment to train arm muscles, such as biceps and triceps exercises. Perform strength training 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes each time, gradually increasing the weight and number of repetitions to challenge the muscles.

  • Stretching exercises for thin arms

Stretching exercises help improve arm flexibility and muscle extensibility. Try some arm stretching exercises, such as cross-arm stretches, arm stretches behind the back, and shoulder stretches. These exercises can promote blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, and increase arm flexibility.

  • Multi-angle training of arm muscles

To effectively lose "bye-bye meat" (i.e. triceps), you need to train the triceps from multiple angles. It is recommended to use different movements to stimulate the muscles, such as various exercises for triceps training.

When doing arm slimming exercises, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Correct posture: Make sure to maintain the correct posture during exercise to avoid unnecessary stress or injury. We recommend that you download the Speediance APP, even if you don't purchase Speediance Gym Monster, you can still enjoy all free classes and learn the correct posture from professional Speediance fitness coaches.
  • Adaptive training: Adaptive training based on your physical condition and ability. Gradually increase the intensity and difficulty of the exercise to challenge and grow your muscles, but also be careful not to overload.
  • Balanced diet: A balanced diet is essential for fitness because it provides energy, supports muscle repair, maintains electrolyte balance, ensures adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, helps control weight, improves endurance, promotes rapid recovery, and enhances mental health and overall health. A balanced diet is key to achieving fitness results and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Regular rest: Arm muscles are small to medium-sized muscle groups, and muscle soreness after exercise usually lasts one to two days.

Follow the professional fitness trainer Levi's arm slimming training tutorial

Arm slimming exercise 1: Standing Dual-Handle Cable Biceps Curls

1.Drop your shoulders and keep your upper arms tight in your sides.

2.Keep your core nice and tight. Don't sway your body back and forth or let body momentum steal the tension.

1.Keep your wrists nice and straight with palms facing you body.

2.Curl up your forearms toward your biceps, while keeping your upper arms tight in your sides.

  • Key Steps:

1.Set machine attach mount at floor position. Keep your body straight, chest up and stomach in. Grip rope in both hands with your arms hanging naturally.

2.Exhale to curl your forearms upwards until your Biceps are fully contracted. Keep your upper arms fixed on both sides .

3.Squeeze at the peak, and slowly down to start position.

  • Breath:

Exhale on your way up and inhale on your way down.

  • Body Feeling

Squeeze hard on your biceps to bring the forearm and biceps together. Hold a count of two at the top.

  • Common Mistakes

Don't use body momentum or sway your body back and forth.

Arm slimming exercise 2: Biceps Stretch


1.Stand tall with your left hand grabbing the beam behind you.

2.Chest open and abdomen in.

3.Lunge to get a deeper stretch.


1.Stand tall with your left hand grabbing the beam behind you.

2.Chest open and abdomen in.

3.Lunge to get a deeper stretch.

  • Key Steps:

1.Standing on the side of the equipment, get into a lunge position, to have a shoulder extension to the back of one side.

2.Keep the upper arm vertically to the body, and stretch the finger towards the ground.

3.Inhale prepared, return with upper weight forward lean to extend the forearm fully.

  • Breath:

Breathe normally.

  • Body Feeling

Rotate your body away from your arm to feel the stretch on your biceps.

  • Common Mistakes

Drop your shoulder and make your ears away from it.

Arm slimming exercise 3: Bilateral Bent-Over Triceps Extension


1.Hold handles with body tightened.

2.Keep your back upright.

3.Bend your hips and knees.


  1. Extend on the centering of elbow joint until the upper arm is parallel to or slightly higher than that of the horizontal plane of the back.
  • Key Steps:

1.Adjust to the low position, bend your hips and knees to hold handles with body tightened.

2.Inhale and return to flex and extend on the centering of elbow joint until the upper arm is parallel to or slightly higher than that of the horizontal plane of the back and pause for 1~2s at the peak. Ensure the stable of your upper arms and powered with triceps.

3.Keep body clamped enough  with upper arms.

  • Breath:

Exhale as you extend your elbows back behind you, and inhale as you come back.

  • Body Feeling:

Use your triceps, extend your arms back behind you and hold a count of two at the top.

  • Common Mistakes:

Ensure your elbows stay in close contact with the sides of your body.

Arm slimming exercise 4: Triceps Stretch

1.Stagger your stance, bend your left elbow and take it toward the ceiling against the beam.

2.The other hand holds the pole.

3.Make your forearm close to the tricep, and lean forward to feel the stretch come from your tricep.


1.Stagger your stance, bend your right elbow and take it toward the ceiling against the beam.

2.The other hand holds the pole.

3.Make your forearm close to the tricep, and lean forward to feel the stretch come from your tricep.

  • Key Steps:

Triceps Stretch.

  • Breath:

Keep your breath steady.

  • Body Feeling:

Feel the stretch come from your tricep.

  • Common Mistakes:

Bend your front knee, lean your body forward.

Arm slimming exercise 5: Standing Reverse Barbell Curl


1.Drop your shoulders down and arms tight to your sides.

2.Engage your core with an upright posture, keep your chest lifted and abs braced to maintain stability throughout the workout. Avoid excess side-to-side sway.


1.Hold the barbell with palms down towards the ground.

2.Curl to the peak with the forearm powered.

  • Key Steps:

1.Adjust to a low handle position and standing in neutral,hold the barbell with palms down towards the ground,and sides of body tightened with upper arms.

2.Inhale and return to curl to the peak with the forearm powered.

3.Keep body clamped enough with upper arms,Donot shrug,Donot shake too much.

  • Breath:

Keep breathing. Exhale on your way up and inhale on your way down.

  • Body Feeling:

Initiate the movement by engaging your forearm muscle group and hold the contraction at the top.

  • Common Mistakes:

Don't let other parts take over the tension. Isolate your movement to your arms only.

Arm slimming exercise 6: Forearm Stretch


1.Extend your left arm in front of you, palm up, fingers point to the floor.

2.Use your right hand to press the fingers toward your body and feel the stretch on your forearm.

3.Stand tall.


1.Extend your right arm in front of you, palm up, fingers point to the floor.

2.Use your left hand to press the fingers toward your body and feel the stretch on your forearm.

3.Stand tall.

  • Key Steps:

Forearm Stretch.

  • Breath:

Keep your breath steady.

  • Body Feeling:

You should feel the stretch come from your forearm.

  • Common Mistakes:

Use your hand to press the fingers toward your body.

Arm slimming training puts a lot of pressure on the wrists and elbows. If you experience elbow or wrist pain during training, you should stop training immediately. The wrist joint is more susceptible to injury than the elbow joint. It is recommended to choose a training plan that suits your ability, pay attention to skills when doing weight-bearing exercises, and gradually increase the intensity and weight of the training to give the body enough time to adapt and recover. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our fitness coaches.

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